Gifted Education
Tempe Elementary Schools is committed to providing opportunities for gifted students to unlock their boundless potential. Through discovery, enrichment, and accelerated learning opportunities, our gifted programming meets the cognitive and affective needs of these students while also fostering recognition and development of their individual strengths.
Elementary (K-5) Gifted Offerings
PACE (Promoting Actualization through Creativity and Excellence) provides pull-out gifted services to students from kindergarten through 5th grade. Students spend the majority of their week in the general education classroom and are pulled for PACE a minimum of two hours a week, where they participate in enrichment experiences.
Middle School (6-8) Gifted Offerings
At Ward, students identified as gifted have the opportunity to enroll in honors and/or advanced classes. Middle school students also have the opportunity to enroll in a PBL (Project Based Learning) elective class, where they are provided hands-on enrichment experiences focused around a theme that integrates multidisciplinary skills.
Please contact the school office for information on the honors courses that may be available for your student.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will my student need to test each year to stay in the gifted program?
- My child was in a gifted program in another district, will they automatically be in the gifted program here in Tempe?
- If we move to another school, will my student continue to receive gifted services?
- How do I best prepare my student for testing?
- How do I get involved as a parent?